
Novacorr Healthcare News and Advice Blogs

Do adjustable beds help back pain?

Do adjustable beds help back pain?

Updated 21 February 2022. While you might think that an injury or underlying medical condition are the primary causes of regular back pain, absolutely anyone can experience back pain which can be caused by poor posture and the strain of our daily activities. Sitting,...

How the Novacorr Huntington’s Chair became

How the Novacorr Huntington’s Chair became

In 2011 Novacorr Healthcare were contacted by two senior Occupation Therapists from LifeTec (QLD Independent Living Centre). They had one simple question, would Novacorr consider making a chair for a client with advanced Huntingtons Disease? So thanks to the wonderful...

How the Novacorr Huntington’s Bed became

How the Novacorr Huntington’s Bed became

Novacorr Healthcare was extremely proud and humbled to have been asked to design and build a bed specifically for clients suffering the devastating effects of Huntington’s Disease. The original request to build the bed came from 2 Occupational Therapist within LifeTec...

Exercises to defeat obesity.

Exercises to defeat obesity.

Walking Although walking is part of a persons every day life, it is often underestimated in terms of physical exercise, walking opposed to being manually driven around so forth may serve as one of the first steps toward a healthier lifestyle. The American Heart...

Business trip to Poland

Novacorr Healthcare had the extreme honor of being cordially invited to present our innovative, patent pending Huntington Disease Bed & Chair at the Annual European Huntington Association convention in Poland this year. After much organization, arrangements were...

European Trip

On August 16th Novacorr made a very exciting business trip to Europe, Brussels to be more precise. Company owners Keith & Nova Atkinson went over to discuss expanding our Huntington’s products globally with the German company Careline. We were overwhelmed with...

Fred and Mary Bowers Delivery

On the 4th September Novacorr made a special delivery to a Mr Fred Bowers and his lovely wife Mary. Fred desperately needed assistance as his health problems were affecting his day to day life at home and causing him a great deal of stress. He has rang a few weeks...

Keith’s Trip to Sydney

Keiths visit to Sydney. On Monday the 31st August, Novacorrs Managing Director Keith Atkinson accompanied by one of our most valuable employees, Paul Smith travelled down to Sydney for a very special delivery. They were there to meet a recent client who desperately...

Huntington’s Bed Delivery – David Plumb

  Novacorr owners, husband & wife team, Keith and Nova Atkinson made a special trip to Queensland’s tropical city, Cairns. They were there to deliver one of our new Huntington's disease beds to a Mr. David Plumb. David’s Sister,...

Fay Witton Novacorr Tilt ‘n’ Lift Chair Delivery

Fay Witton Novacorr Tilt ‘n’ Lift Chair Delivery

Three months ago Novacorr received a phone call from a customer named Fay Witton. Faye had a dilemma, she needed a new custom made tilt & lift chair, but she couldn’t have just any chair, Faye also needed this new chair to match the rest of the furniture situated...

Wesley Neurological Support Services

The Wesley Mission Victoria – Neurological Support Services. A little background The Wesley Mission Victoria's main agenda is to support and maintain the need for a ‘more just society’. The organisations motto states: “HOPE is the promise of a better future for ever...

The Benefits of an Adjustable Bed

The Benefits of an Adjustable Bed

The Benefits of an Adjustable Bed. To explain how an adjustable bed can benefit an individual, it is necessary to compare an adjustable bed to an ordinary bed. The primary benefit of an adjustable bed is that it allows accurate positioning which permits a natural...

5 apps to help you sleep

If you’re struggling with sleepless nights and disrupted sleep, trade in the old “counting sheep” remedy for a nifty smartphone app that will help you get a good night’s sleep.

In sickness and in health

Getting married means promising to support your spouse through good times and bad. But is fulfilling this promise sometimes just too great a burden to bear?

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